The Visits by Officer viewport displays contact visits by the selected officer(s) in the current month, total visits fiscal year to date, and total visits for the previous fiscal year. The viewport then calculates the variation between the number of visits from the previous fiscal year and current fiscal year and displays the variation percentage per officer in the last column.

Clicking on any of the links in the table will bring up the list of contact records that make up the results.


Key Definitions Related to this Viewport:

  • Visits: The number of contact records, where the contact type is a "Visit", that have been recorded and relate to the selected officer(s) from the beginning of the fiscal year to the end of each month displayed. Your internal contact types have been mapped by your Reeher System administrator to reflect whether it is a Visit, Phone, Letter/Email, Event, or Other.
  • % Change: The the variation percentage between the number of visits from the current FYTD total and the previous FYTD total.