This list consists of key new features, as well as issues reported by or of interest to customers. It is not an exhaustive list of updates.

New Features/Improvements

  1. The Reeher platform is now Blackbaud Fundraiser Performance Management! . All functionality remains consistent, and we will continue to support and develop this product. Additionally, users will still login at until further notice.
  2. The Annual Giving > Donors and Annual Giving > Dollars dashboards have been updated to allow users to filter viewports on School/Unit and/or Primary Relationship Type. 
  3. For Donor Discovery customers, after an entity has received a full screening, that entity's spouse will show the results of the screening in their Targeter columns.

Bug Fixes/Maintenance

  1. Officer Goal progress has been updated to no longer display as 0 for officers certain goals incorrectly.
  2. System Admins updating code mappings in Control Panel are now able to submit changes for all code types again.
  3. Several small errors that could cause proposals to not save correctly have been addressed.