This list consists of key new features, as well as issues reported by or of interest to customers. It is not an exhaustive list of updates.

New Features and Improvements

  1. The new Officer Benchmarks layer is available for activation. Designated Business Owners and Platform Champions have been granted access; please contact your customer success representative for additional details on activating this feature.
  2. On the Major Giving Layer, the Proposals viewport can now be filtered by Project of Interest.
  3. In the entity search results list in the drawer, middle name, nickname, and maiden name are now displayed when appropriate.

Bug Fixes

  1. Some users were getting "action required" notifications for rejected tasks in Activity Center
  2. Adding an Activity Center seat to a user was not properly subscribing the user to notifications with the new notification framework
  3. Adding sub-proposals to a draft proposal would not trigger appropriate validation of fields in the sub-proposal. This resulted in a large amount of data being dumped into the red "Error" notification, but the user was unable to see a helpful error message.
  4. Multiple issues regarding Crosstab were fixed - specifically
    1. combinations of state + relationship type were overcounting entities
    2. drilldowns in the operating reports would result in an error message when using the combination of state + relationship type
  5. drilldown for Goals Over Time (in Console) would trigger all contacts to be added any time a new column was added to the view
  6. In reports that involved proposals, large numbers (over $10 million) were appearing in scientific notation instead of integers
  7. Changing a proposal record to have a $0 expected amount would cause the record not to save
  8. In the Propsects viewport on Console, customers using Ellucian Advance were seeing incorrect counts of entities matched to households.
  9. In some cases, the status of a proposal did not match between the Relationship Profile activities section and related contact reports.
  10. The "major" field was missing from the degree field in relationship profile (but not Targeter) for customers who sent values for major code but not school code.



  1. Load time of the Results dashboard in Class Agent was reduced considerably (reductions in load time from 24 seconds to 0.1 seconds were observed).