This list consists of issues reported by or of interest to customers. It is not an exhaustive list of bug fixes.

New Additions and Changes

  1. Filters and columns are now available for Six-Square Segmentation.
  2. Entity search in the drawer now shows a constituent's middle name and nickname, if present.
  3. In the contact report form, there is now a link next to "Secondary Entity" that says "Add Spouse" that will automatically populate a spouse's name into that field
  4. For Activity Center users - there are now permissions available for proposal entry that allow users to edit values for Proposal Granted Dates, Target Dates, Granted Amount, and Target Amount. These fields are locked by default but can now be made accessible (if desired) via the control panel.

Significant Fixes

  1. Profile photos returned from our social media matching service (Clearbit) once again appear appropriately at the top of the relationship profile and in the entity search results in the drawer.
  2. In the iOS application, sorting prospect assignments on criteria such as MG EVI no longer filters out non-primary assignments (if "all assignments" was selected).
  3. Changing a saved query from public to private (or vice versa) no longer creates an error that requires the query to be renamed.
  4. Lists uploaded to Targeter can now be changed from public to private (and vice versa).

UI Fixes

  1. In entity search results in the Drawer, names that extended over two lines no longer obscure the entity ID.
  2. In some cases, links to contact reports from the Completed Contacts table were not correctly displaying the report

Data Fixes

  1. Proposals containing only secondary entities were generating mismatches in dollar amounts in householded vs entity view.



  1. Release 2.0.5 of Reeher Mobile for iOS should be in the App Store next week. It contains fixes for several "crasher" bugs.
  2. Improved load time of the Agents table in the Class Agent management dashboard