The Project Primary Relationship Type Summary viewport displays dollar and donor performance by Primary Relationship Type for the selected campaign projects. All metrics are within the context of the selected measurement and date range.

Key Definitions:

  • Cash: Includes gift and pledge payment transactions. This reflects actual dollars received by the campaign project, and donors who paid their gifts to the campaign project.
  • Commitment: Includes gift and pledge transactions. This reflects dollars generated/committed to the campaign project, and donors who made any commitment to the campaign project, whether or not they have paid it.
  • Pledge: Includes only pledge transactions.
  • Primary Relationship Type: The Primary Relationship Type associated with an entity. Some entities may have multiple relationship types (e.g. “Parent” and “Alumna”), but your institution chooses one Primary Relationship Type. Donations that could not be matched to an entity record or where the entity record does not have a relationship type are listed as “No Relationship Type”.
  • Total Dollars: The total legal amount of the transactions.
  • Total Donors: The number of unique entities with a donor qualifying transaction (donor indicator is set to true on the transaction).