The Gift Band Comparison Viewport shows the number of donors in each period giving at different levels, ranging from less than $100 to more than $5,000,000. The % Change column displays the percent increase or decrease from the previous fiscal year to the selected fiscal year.

The Fiscal Year can be changed using the drop down at the top of the tab. This drop down will reload all Viewports in the tab with the selected fiscal year.

The donor Measurement can be changed using the drop down at the top of the Viewport. Any changes made to the measurement selection are stored, so the Viewport will display your last selection the next time you log in.

Each of the numbers in the table are links that will generate a pop-up window that allows you to see the list of constituent records and their profiles.


Key Definitions Related to this Viewport:

  • Cash: Includes gift and pledge payment transactions. This reflects actual dollars received during the period, and donors that paid during the period.
  • Commitment: Includes gift and pledge transactions. This reflects dollars generated / committed during the period, and donors who made some kind of commitment during the period, whether or not they paid during the period.
  • Pledge: Includes only pledge transactions.
  • Dollars: The total legal amount of the transactions. The gift band for the dollars is based on the total legal amount for that entity during the year.
  • Donors: The number of unique entities with a donor qualifying transaction (donor indicator is set to true on the transaction). The gift band for the donor is based on the total credit amount for that entity during the year.