The Contacts by MG EVI viewport displays the number of contacts against the Major Giving Expected Value Index (MG EVI) scores in 1-10 increments/segments.  The viewport displays in a bar chart the number of contacts of those prospects that have been contacted within the various MG EVI score ranges. This graph is an indicator as to how much time is being spent contacting MG EVI prospects at the various MG EVI score levels and can help in determining if the contact distribution is in line with your current contact strategy.

In addition, you can hover over the individual bars in the viewport for a total count of the number of contacts, or click on the bars to display a list of contact records that make up those results.


Key Definitions Related to this Viewport:

  • MG EVI: A Fundraiser Performance Management score that places constituents into percentile groups based on their expected value to your institution in the next year. Scores range from 1 to 99, with 99 being the highest and 1 being the lowest. Only individuals, not corporations or foundations, have MG EVI scores.