What is Targeter?

The Targeter layer allows users to analyze specific groups of constituents for planning, evaluation and list generation. It centralizes the key elements of your relationship data. Using a powerful query and visualization tool, users can easily map and report on the constituents they are most interested in.

The core components of the Targeter are:

Recorded Training Videos

Recorded Training offers a variety of web-based videos to suite any number of user roles that allow you to work through training at your own pace or refamiliarize yourself with functionality you may not have used in awhile.

Click here to view the available on-demand videos.

How do I use Targeter?

To open Targeter, click on the tab at the top of the Reeher Dashboard window.

First, define the selection criteria for your query by completing the appropriate fields in the navigation bar at the left of your screen. The choices include:

Click the Submit button at the bottom of the navigation bar.

Mapped Results of your full query will be displayed on screen. Rolling the cursor over the map will reveal summary statistics for each specific county or state – depending upon the chosen view.

Sample Population is a quick report that provides a snapshot of the query results providing information about the total number in the sample, number of alumni and donors, financial commitments in the last fiscal year and the average expected value index (EVI).

The Summary Band is comprised of three gauges that provide quick readings on variables for the sample population:

•Average age of sample population
•Average Expected Value Index (EVI)
•Percentage of resulting population who were donors in the last fiscal year
When a query results in fewer than 5,000 records, an Open Table tab appears below the lower right corner of the Summary Band. When clicked, a table containing individual data on the sample population will open. The table contains the following fields:

•I.D. Number
•First Name
•Last Name
•Relationship Type
•Graduation Year
•Estimated Age
•Purchasing Power Index
•Expected Value
•Credit Amount
Users can Export Records to an Excel spreadsheet by clicking on the Excel icon in the frame of the table. Queries resulting in greater than 5,000 records must be redefined to narrow the focus of the search.