Page History
- Primary Relationship Type: The constituent's primary relationship type as provided by your institution in the nightly data feed. While some constituents have more than one relationship type (i.e. a constituent that is an Alumna/us and a Parent), each constituent has only one primary relationship type which is chosen by your institution.
- Cash: Includes gift and pledge payment transactions. This reflects actual dollars received during the period, and donors that paid during the period.
- Commitment: Includes gift and pledge transactions. This reflects dollars generated / committed during the period, and donors who made some kind of commitment during the period, whether or not they paid during the period.
- Pledge: Includes only pledge transactions.
- Dollars: The The total legal amount of transactions of the selected measurement from constituents of each primary relationship typethe transactions.
- Donors: The The number of constituents of each primary relationship type that were credited with a transaction of the selected measurement during the monthunique entities with a donor qualifying transaction (donor indicator is set to true on the transaction).