The Viewport Management tool in the Platform allows users to customize their dashboards with viewports that are most relevant to them.


To access the tool, click on the VIEWPORTS link at the top right of the screen. All of the available viewports will be listed in the column on the left. Viewports that are currently selected will have a check mark next to the title in the On Dashboard column. To see a live preview of a viewport, click on the title, and the content will be displayed in the window on the right. This preview displays your current data, so the information you see here is what you will see when the viewport is applied to your dashboard.


Once you’ve selected a viewport, just click Add to Dashboard under the preview window. Then find the viewport you would like to swap by clicking the Replace button. The box will refresh with your new viewport.


Additionally, users have the ability to rearrange their current viewports just by clicking and dragging it to a new position. This makes it easier to customize each of your dashboards to make the information more relevant to you.